giovedì 16 luglio 2020

Sareem Poems & Newselph - Lessons

Dalla Illect Recordings arriva Sareem Poems con i beats di Newselph.

"Lessons" è un nuovo singolo che ci auguriamo preceda un lavoro più corposo sulla lunga distanza; lo definirei un buonissimo antipasto: rap, soul e boom bap alla massima potenza.

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On "Lessons," Sareem Poems once again takes a direct cue from his namesake & poetically & rhythmically delivers recounts of life lessons of which we can all relate to on so many levels. In this day & age, this kind of honest & introspective look into the mind & heart of a lyricist has all the feels, especially when married with the seamless-yet-grimy, lo-fi production on this jazzy chill-hop vibe.

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