Chiudiamo la settimana in bellezza con il nuovo minialbum strumentale di Hypoetical, giovane e superpromettente producer statunitense.
"Learning to draw" è una raccolta di 7 tracce prodotte con pochi strumenti e cercando di evitare il digitale. Come potete prevedere il risultato è eccezionale: il disco suona sporco a dovere, i beats sono belli pesi e i samples sono jazz, soul e funk quanto basta.
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The quest to understand how the greats of the 90s crafted such raw, knockin', and in some cases minimal beats spawned the creation of this album. Despite having developed my own methods to crank out beats using PC software and vinyl, I felt the beatmaking experience was incomplete without having actually done it the traditional analog way.
Learning to Draw is a selection of beats I created during this time of evolution. An entirely different approach to making beats than what I was used to. Everything from the chops to the drum patterns were played by hand and sequenced & recorded on analog equipment.
The tracks were put together using a combination of the E-MU SP1200 (mainly for drums), Akai MPC 2500, Zoom Sampletrak, and a Technics 1210MK2. The beat titled "meditation" was featured in my short film, "The Process."
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