Vi segnalo colpevolmente in ritardo di qualche mese l'uscita di questa bella compilation strumentale della Word Is Bond (dal Regno Unito) che raccoglie ben 38 pezzi di producers di diverse nazionalità. Il download è gratuito ma c'è la possibilità di devolvere qualsiasi cifra in beneficenza per aiutare le popolazioni giapponesi colpite dal terremoto e dallo tsunami di qualche tempo fa.
Che dire allora? Scaricate da questo link e se potete donate visitando www.globalgiving.org.
Although the album is now Free we highly appreciate if you could donate as much as you possibly can to Global Giving and their Japanese efforts: www.globalgiving.org
“Hope For Tomorrow” is our humble idea to make a difference. We are reaching out to YOU to support our efforts in providing help for those struggling in the aftermath. Our friends at Kevin Nottingham have come on board to assist in the release of a charity album. We are grateful to be in a position to use the talents of some of the undergrounds most respected hip-hop artists. It is our hope that this project will continue to garner attention for the people of Japan and raise some much needed funds.
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