"Desired in 3 Worlds" è un album strumentale "Bollywood oriented": 25 tracce con campioni di musica indiana sopra beats hip hop massicci. Ecco la descrizione dell'album da parte di Guadaloop, come si legge sul suo Bandcamp:
This 25 tracks album is all based on Indian/Bollywood samples from vinyls The Guadaloop bought back in 2007. Back then, after being inspired by his good friend Plusga, Guada(Loop) went to the nearest record store and got all the Indian records he could find. Soon Guada linked up with a big vinyl dealer and brought dozens of Indian\African records to the studio.
loads of beats were made from this vinyls in the past 3 years – most of them haven’t been published yet.
Some tracks on the LP were made in 2007 and some 2 days before the release date (Plusga – Penny Fuck)
The name for the LP – “Desired in the 3 Worlds” comes from the Sanskrit/Hindi word -
“Trilok Kamaya” – or in another words -
“Leaf of Heroes” – or in another words -
“Conqueror of the 3 regions of the universe” – or in another words -
“The Green One”…
All Tracks Produced and Mixed By The Guadaloop @ Raw Tapes Studio.
*Except -
Tracks 5, 14, 21, 24 – Produced and Mixed By Plusga
Track 15 – Produced and Mixed By Rejoicer
Album scaricabile gratis o con donazione da questo link.
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