lunedì 20 dicembre 2010

Reuben Dowdy - The 9th Floor EP

Vi segnalo questo interessantissimo Beat Tape di Reuben Dowdy. Soul e funk e molta sperimentazione. 7 pezzi davvero originali.

Download gratuito dal suo Bandcamp.

The mysterious persona of Doplar Music and Voices of Black affiliate Reuben Dowdy has led to a collection of instrumentals created on pure impulse and according to Reuben post war "depression". As forward thinking and obscure as Reuben's personality is in real life, the creator of Yarchism himself brings forth a collection of instrumentals marking the beginning of a musical diary told by piercing electronic sounds, funk basslines, and choppy futuristic synth melodies. Sounds of chip-tune on tracks like "Rude Ass Rudy" as well as vintage drum loops on tracks "Macadamia" and "The world As Is", show his distinctly unique style of production and rather dark "midnight themed" music. With some production assistance from Wolf and Lamb/Doplar Music production duo Voices of Black, "The 9th Floor" proves to be as raw as a a hip hop beat tape from the 90's some how lost in a time far ahead from now. Enjoy.

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