Evan Morris è un producer americano che si cela dietro lo pseudonimo "Hydrophonics" e che ha appena fatto uscire un beat tape di 11 minitracce prodotte tutte con un mpc 1000...e si sente!!! Gran bel lavoro, scaricabile gratuitamente dal suo Bandcamp.
Since there's so many ones in the date, I thought I would sample 11 of songs at 11:11off my XM radio and try to flip them. Some were easy, some were tough, but it all turned out groovy.
Released 01 January 2011
All arrangement, chopping, tweaking and freaking of sounds by Evan Morris (Hydrophonics). Much thanks to the artists who gave us this great music in the first place. All beats composed on an Akai MPC 1000.
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