Oggi vi segnalo questo EP di un giovanissimo MC/Producer americano...ha soli 15 anni e promette decisamente bene!
Sir C produce pezzi gonfi di soul e ha buone skillz al microfono...da tenere d'occhio!
Download gratuito dal suo Bandcamp.
Sir C is a 15 year old Recording Artist/Producer based out of NJ. Having a distinct sound, and meaningful tone, Sir C's Soul Tape is a project that sets him and his skill set apart from his age group. While rapping on Soul inspired beats, being the main producer for the project, and having 100% original music, Sir C's Soul Tape proves to be more of a 'Free Album' than a mixtape. Features include the West Coast's TiRon, KJ (Of the Chromecats), Mon'wel, Kon Hathaway, and JTR. Production includes Mon'wel, and Sir C. #TooMuchSoul
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