venerdì 7 dicembre 2012

Majorus Duex - KRIM

Da Colonia ecco Majorus Duex, beatmaker innovativo che unisce al classico boom bap suoni di synth e organi anni 70-80. Il suo nuovo lavoro contiene 18 pezzi strumentali brevi, taglienti e ben confezionati.

Un album che consiglio agli appassionati del suono ibrido analogico+sintetico.

Download gratuito o con donazione da questo link.

The 'KRIM' Beatstrumental EP was produced during the last 4 years in the KRIM, Cologne.
It's some kind of hoodmusic, a streetalbum with 18 beats which are mirroring the raw sides of this past industrial urban district & it's identity; KRIM - the so called 'Cradle of the world-motorization'.
The old ghost of this once pulsative industry-complex is still around and found a way to compensate his energy through the keys, wires & boards of The Organ·Orchestra...

I think it's the best to let you decide what price you like to pay. Once your heads are nodding, we're already squared. I'm thankful about any reaction to my sound - even if you're willing to pay for it. Thanks! Enjoy...

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