martedì 28 aprile 2020

The Confined Four - The Final Hour!

Quattro beatmakers francesi per un breve EP di cinque tracce potentissime.

"The Final Hour!" è un disco che vi consiglio caldamente se volete ascoltare dell'hip hop strumentale che tra l'altro suona davvero benissimo.

Download gratuito o con donazione da questo link!

MARCH 2020 - A deadly outbreak shakes the planet. Fear infects the most resilient of minds and holds them hostage in their own four walls. Outside, nature awakens from its slumber. The first rays of spring sunshine warm the cold asphalt of streets empty and deserted. Menace is in the air. The world as we know it is in lockdown. Meanwhile, as the pillars of reality crumble into pieces four brave beatmakers retreat into their somber studios to create an antidote to terror and fright. They are “The Confined Four”

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